Conical-Based Silo
Special steelworks, frames and platforms are developed for the conical-based loading silos. These stellworks are placed on the underside of the silo in order to increase its height. These combined systems are designed to ensure an easy and sound loading for trains and wagons.
Conical-based silos are produced in levels ranging from 5 tons to 1.000 tons. Generally, they are operated in continuous unloading status. Their low energy consumption and operation costs during the unloading process are two of reasons for why these silos are preferred.
Furthermore, these types of silos have a low angle of repose. Their lower conical angles are produced in a range between 45 and 60 degrees according to the needs.
Conical-based silos have an angle of 45 or 60 degree and this ensures that the grain flows with its own fluidity. However, 45 degree conical base plates are used for the grain whereas 60 degree conical base plates are used for the grain for feeding purpose or materials with low fluidity.